Thursday, 20 September 2007

Long Absence

It has been a rather long time since anything has been written on my blog. I will update you briefly on the rest of the tour (now 6 months late) and give a quick synopsis of my many and varied activities since. The progress of the animals (tarantulas and housemates) must also be commented on before normal service can be resumed. Watch this space......


Viking Longship said...

My golly gosh, your back....

It has been too long without a post, don't do it again....

the other cold one said...

What - is there life in London still? Amazing. I feel guilty if a week passes........

the other cold one said...

Now we just need the little sister to get on with it and all will be well in the world... (somebody remind our parents, currently languishing in internet's no mans land how to do this too please)