Saturday 9 December 2006

Christmas Dinner

Myself and the housemates had our Christmas dinner last night, Attended by ourselves, four other horn players, a violinist and some randomer.

Setting up the Dining Room

The responsability was allocated evenly between the four members of the household, I was in charge of starters, assistant chef and sound technition. (We now have a speakers in the hall and sitting room conected to my stereo, which can be switched on or off at will.)
Lucy was head chef, and did very well, the turkey was sublime.
Michael was in charge of decorations, dining room arrangement and table spread. (Our sitting room was converted into a dining room) hopefully I can get a few pics to show what we did.
Andy took charge of invitations, alcohol and was a general handy man for the other members of the team.

The set menu was as follows:

Smoked Rainbow Trout with mixed leaf salad and lemon, basil and caper dressing.

Roast Turkey with Sage, Apricot and Rosemary Stuffing
Roast Chicken with Sage and Onion Stuffing
Sausages Wrapped in Smoked Bacon

Selection Of Vegetables;
Brussel Sprouts
Roast Potato and Parsnip
CarrotSweet Potato Mash

Christmas Pudding
Chocolate Cheesecake

The meal was a great success and dinner was followed by twister, charades and assorted other evening (drinking) games. Pics to follow soon.


Viking Longship said...

Impressed, sounds like you managed the full works.

Hope the next day wasn't too tough (ahhh, I forget your young age)..

the other cold one said...

A hangover is a hangover.....

the other cold one said...

I'm tempted to start down the line of 'students these days, when I was a young lad...', but it might just show my age a little (Notwithstanding the fact that i'll be a student for a while yet!!!)

London Son said...

I will hav you know that I am not as young as I used to be, and have become quite capable of being hungover.

Which reminds me, Is there any beer festivals a la Cockermouth near either of you?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on achieving, what sounded like an impossiblity when I was speaking to you on early Friday afternoon. You sound as if you had a ball. The next question, are any of your guests reciprocating?

Good luck with Mozart. Hope it goes well.

the other cold one said...

No beer festivals (as far as I know), but I will have to introduce you to the delights of Koskenkorva!!! Also I have discovered that it's possible to do an exchange from Sibelius Academy to Guildhall - fancy being a church music student for a while? I think there may be some interested (and interesting) third parties here for you!!!

London Son said...

Sounds like an interesting proposition....

the other cold one said...

propositions is what you might get....