Saturday 2 December 2006

Welcome to my blog!

Hopefully this blog will allow you to have an insight into my life in a small town near the East coast of England called London.

In stark contrast to the blog of brother Viking Longship and Wife, there will be insights into life in the sprawling metropolis. Instead of animals; there will be taxi drivers, instead of barns; garages, instead of snow; there are wheeliebins. eight legs replace three...... Instead of cruiseliners, there is this bendy, shiny thing which one must blow down (although sometimes they do make the same noise)

I live in a four bedroom flat, above a dental laborotory in SE23. My housemates are Michael and Lucy (Horn Players) and Andy (Clarinet). My room contains a futon, computer and stereo desk, two shelves, a big cupboard, chair, a fireplace and currently a Stephen. We share a nicely fitted, modern kitchen and decent sized sitting room with three piece suite and tv. The upstairs bathroom has shower downstairs has shower and bath. walls are a creamy (i guess) white throughout. Pictures of house and residents will follow. I like it here and have been living here now for well over a year.

I have just had the last day of the term, in my fourth year at the Guildhall School of Music. The French Horn is a lot harder than it looks, so i spend much of my time trying to play that. The work is mainly aimed at my forthcoming postgraduate audition for Guildhall and 2 upcoming concertos. It has been probably my busiest term yet and I am seriously looking forward to the Christmas break.

My hobbies include..... cycling, although my London bike got knicked so not done much recently, sleeping, squash and tennis(weather permitting) and tarantula keeping.

When I work out how to do pictures a proper introduction to Stella (my Chilean Rose Tarantula) will follow. Any advice VL?

That will do for now.

London Son


Viking Longship said...

You are using Beta blogger, but I guess it's the same as what I use.

Posting Pictures is easy, when you compose your new post there is an Icon of a picture which you can click on. Click this and follow the instructions. Don't try to load more than 1 picture at a time, it can be a little patchy.

Viking Longship said...
